These key tools allow your facility to achieve operational success with ease. Track & trend operations at a glance or focus in on specific follow-up items.

Keep your staff informed and educated with this easy in-service scheduler. Remain in compliance for surveys by scheduling both recurring and one-time in-services. Upload a list of participants and signatures for documentation. Utilize the scheduler as a tool for directed in-services as part of a plan of correction.

Track & trend key facility indicators weekly & monthly to ensure tasks are being performed including admissions, discharges, Medicare caseload, MDS assessments, reportable incidents & more. An executive summary is provided for owners to get a baseline of operations with one single weekly & monthly report. Each report can be used to see where more follow-up is needed.

Stay compliant with the government health agencies by tracking your PPE inventory against your facilities PAR level. Add, remove and adjust inventoried items as well as establish PAR levels. Review current and prior day inventories to look for changes in the levels. Review a snap shot of all facilities allowing for the immediate transfer of PPE when inventory drops below PAR levels.
COVID-19 really changed the way the healthcare industry operates. With that, features were added to the software to better assist with new operations. The COVID Daily Inventory feature is a testament of our ability to create modules and tools quickly in order to react to changes within the facility or industry.
“As the director of clinical operations over 12 skilled nursing facilities, the COVID daily inventory module has assisted me in streamlining our inventory process during this pandemic.”
- Ricky Simpson, RN, LNHA