With RMS you can easily and effectively manage your patient case load. Be confident that your software is assisting with the care of your patients and not getting in the way.
Easily admit new patients

With RMS you can easily and effectively manage your patient case load. Whether you have a re-admit or a patient that has never been treated before, the software makes it easy to get started treating. With just a few clicks confirm the patient’s demographic data such as SSN and Medicare Number. Then move on to creating a case where you provide the payor source and case start date.
When integrated with either PCC or AHT, case management becomes even easier. Much of the patient demographic data, payor source and start of skilled services will be already provided.
Create a patient case tailored to payor source

In the case of a Part A resident, the system provides all the necessary tools and data points to create the PDPM assessment with the result of calculating the PDPM case mixes and the therapy component daily rate. These data points include the primary SNF diagnosis, Section GG Admission score and SLP considerations.
Track a Part A patient’s stay using the system’s 100-day calendar. On this one screen see a patient’s daily minutes total and running seven-day total. Confirm that group and concurrent treatments are within CMS’s guidelines.
For Part B residents, easily enter information from the patient’s common working file, so proper KX modifiers can be applied at time of billing. If you plan on treating a patient pro bono, the software has you covered as well.
Create treatment plans for multiple disciplines

Once the patient’s case has been created, move on to creating the plan of treatments or ‘POTs’. Create a POT for each discipline that will be involved in the care of this patient. Provide projected minutes for each discipline and then compare projections to actual on the 100-day calendar. The projections also provide therapists with targeted minutes to provide each day. The POT is also where ICD-10 diagnosis codes are placed. If integrated with the facility’s EMR, the ICD-10 diagnosis codes will be pre-loaded.
The POT is where all the necessary and required documentation will be accessed. RMS has an extensive and thorough documentation library. One can easily print the documentation record either in a single click manner or more selectively if required. Never again go into an audit unprepared and without the required and necessary paper trail.
Enter & manage required documentation

There is an extensive and thorough evaluation where the patient is assessed and treatment plans and goals for the resident are set. Entering the evaluation is an easy process that can be done in stages. If the therapist gets busy, they can save their work and come back to it once time permits.
Going forward and throughout the patient’s stay, generate progress notes to detail the patient’s progress. Update goals as the patient advances. Add new goals as needed and retire goals that have been achieved. Recertifications and a discharge document are also part of the complete documentation record the software allows you to create. Like progress notes – at recertification time, new goals can be added and completed goals can be marked achieved. On the discharge document, input the patient’s discharge summary and finalize all short and long-term goals.
Also, an extensive list of supporting documentation is provided. These include screening forms, Tinetti Assessments, Barthel ADLs, BIMS tests and many others. Part A residents also have a useful PDPM worksheet that lays out case mixes and the therapy component daily rate with respect to the facility’s wage index.
All documentation can be signed electronically by the attending therapist or assistant. A host of warnings and reminders appear if documentation is due or incomplete. You will be warned if signatures are missing, there have been no goals set, a recertification is overdue or you failed to enter a discharge document. The system will guide you throughout the patient’s stay to create a complete and accurate documentation picture of the care provided.
Quickly enter daily treatments & notes

RMS also makes entering treatments a simple and straight forward task. Therapists can easily select a patient from an active caseload list and start entering their treatment. The treatment page is laid out with commonly used HCPC codes available for instantly treating by entering minutes and notes. For less commonly used HCPC codes, simply select from an available list. While entering a current treatment, a therapist can easily review past treatments in order to see what treatments were provide in previous encounters. A library of phrases is provided to assist in generating a daily note per HCPC treatment. You can also document that a patient refused treatment or therapy was withheld for some reason or need. When finished, sign the treatment electronically.
The system will perform various error checks to ensure that NCCI errors are not triggered at billing time. These include an 8-minute rule check and HCCP code combinations that are not allowed. All necessary 59, CO and CQ modifiers are generated when treatments are entered as well. Data exports created for an EMR will contain all necessary data to bill Medicare or insurance.