The clinical tools are arguably some of the most important for success. Track & trend clinical activity from patient care to staffing to personnel competency and more.

Track & trend key facility indicators weekly & monthly to ensure clinical tasks are being performed including wounds, UTIs, respiratory infections, falls, change in weight & more. You will have current & actual information which will help you with survey readiness and overall patient care. An executive summary is provided for owners to get a baseline of operations with one single weekly & monthly report. Each report can be used to see where more follow-up is needed.

Stay in compliance with tag F726 by ensuring direct care staff have the appropriate competencies and skills sets to ensure resident safety. Utilize our preloaded set of competencies such as hand washing, PPE, transfers, Med Pass & more. We can also create a competency based on your resident population, areas of weakness or any corporate or facility-specific needs. Review & record staff competency with a simple pass or fail grade, the number of attempts and dates each person was tested.

Stay in compliance with tag F732 by recording and posting your daily direct care staffing. You can make edits in real-time should changes happen throughout the shift. By entering staffing requirements by shift, QIequip calculates staffing ratios and alerts you with potential staffing problems. If needed, a separate unit or wing within a facility can be created as well, such as a secure unit, isolation unit or whatever your specific needs may be.

Keep your surveillance program compliant by tracking all COVID-19 test data associated with staff and residents – from the onset of symptoms to administering tests & results to follow-up alerts for routine testing. This tracker can also be used for other outbreaks such as flu, MRSA and other infectious diseases. You'll have peace of mind knowing that you are fully prepared for an infection control survey at any time.
"QI Equip has been a lifeline for monitoring and tracking my clinical benchmarks at a glance. I can look at wounds, infections, falls, therapy referrals, and patients with special care requirements such as enteral feedings, trach patients, IV access). With a click, I can monitor data monthly, quarterly, and regionally for Quality Assurance programs. I can’t imagine working in long term care without this program."
- Lisa Flottman, Corporate Nursing Director